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Comforting Hands

Casos Civiles

Un caso civil es el resultado de disputas legales con partes que buscan dinero u otro desempeño específico, en lugar de sanciones penales. Estos procedimientos judiciales incluyen, entre otros: solicitar daños monetarios, obtener protección judicial de sus derechos, hacer cumplir un contrato o acuerdo, resolver una disputa u ordenar la recuperación de bienes o activos.


The Gil Law Group tiene más de 25 años de experiencia manejando con éxito una variedad de casos civiles. A continuación hay una breve lista de ejemplos de casos civiles que hemos manejado en el pasado. Ponga a prueba nuestros conocimientos y permítanos ayudarlo a usted y a su futuro en cualquier proceso de litigio civil.

A legal guardian is a person who has been appointed by a court or otherwise has the legal authority to make decisions relevant to the personal and property interests of another person who is deemed incompetent or is a minor, called a Ward. Two common types of Guardianships include Guardian of the Person and Guardian of the Estate. 

Guardianship of the Person is a type of guardian who is responsible for taking care of a ward’s ongoing personal needs, which includes making decisions about their medical care, living arrangements, and any necessary professional services for the ward. The Court may require a guardian of the person to file periodic or annual reports detailing the ward’s status and condition.


Guardianship of the Estate is a type of guardian who has the authority to manage the ward’s personal property, assets, and financial affairs. A Guardian of the Estate is responsible for receiving income, paying bills and taxes, and receiving public benefits such as Social Security disability on behalf of the ward. All of the ward's financial affairs must be regularly accounted for and filed with the court.

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605 N. Broadway Ave.

Aurora, IL 60505


Aurora                          West Chicago

T: 630-906-0144          T:630-231-2248

F: 630-906-0147          F:630-231-6050 

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The Gil Law Group

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West Chicago, IL 60185

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